Education Unlimited Summer Staff Job Descriptions
Please click on a job title below to skip to a brief job description. To receive a full detailed job description you may request one or you may complete the employment application.
2011 Required Tax Forms (Required Tax Forms)
You must complete these required forms prior to the home office issuing you an official offer or contract.
2012 Direct Deposit Form (All Camps)
Use this form to indicate whether you would like to receive your paycheck by direct deposit or by paper check.
2012 Required Tax Forms (Required Tax Forms)
2012 Hiring Forms
2012 Stanford Verification (Required Tax Forms)
Additional verification required by Stanford.
2013 Required Hiring and Tax Forms (Required Tax Forms)
2013 Required Hiring and Tax Forms
2013 Required Tax Forms (All Camps)
2013 Required Tax Forms.
2013 Stanford Verification and LiveScan Requirement (Required Tax Forms)
2013 Stanford Verification and LiveScan Requirement
2014 Employee Stanford Verification and Background Instructions (Required Tax Forms)
2014 Employee Stanford Verification and Background Instructions
2014 Required Camp Forms (All Camps)
General hiring forms - tax, direct deposit, and background check.
2014 Required Hiring and Tax Forms (Required Tax Forms)
2014 Required Hiring and Tax Forms
Acting Instructor (California Actors Workshop)
The California Actor's Workshop at UC Berkeley is seeking an experienced and inspiring acting instructor to join our summer faculty. This three-week conservatory-style program comes in three sections: Middle School, High School, and Intensive. The successful candidate will have extensive professional credentials as an actor or director as well as experience teaching conservatory, university, or high school students. An MFA in Acting or Directing is highly desirable. All applicants should have a strong foundation in Stanislavski-based realism, but additional specialties in mask work, movement, voice, improvisation, on-camera acting, verse drama, or musical theater would also be welcome. In addition to teaching during the day, faculty instructors are required to live in the dorms and share supervision duties at night. Please indicate in your application which section you are most qualified to teach and any particular training and expertise you have, including work you have done with particular age groups. A more detailed description of California Actors Workshop can be found here.
Advanced Public Speaking Instructor (Public Speaking Institute - Advanced)
Advanced Video Production Instructor (Advanced Video Production)
Advanced video production instructor
ALE Public Speaking Instructor (Mock Trial - High School)
The ALE Instructor is responsible for helping students develop public speaking and critical thinking skills using mock trial activities. The ALE Instructor is a current lawyer, civics teacher, law school student, pre-law student or has an expertise in mock trial or a related field and is excited to share his or her enthusiasm for the law, argument and public speaking with young people. The ALE Instructor will give lectures, teach groups of students in a classroom setting, and critique students' simulated client interviews and mock trials. The ALE Instructor's goal will be to help students learn how to make convincing legal arguments and to guide students through a full length mock trial. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and field trip execution. A more detailed description of the American Legal Experience can be found here.
Assistant Director (All Camps)
The Assistant Director serves as the Camp Director's right hand and is generally in charge of helping to create a positive camp environment for all participants. The AD plans and implements recreational activities for the campers, supervises campers outside of the classroom (including evening supervision, enforcing lights out, walking students to classes etc.), and has a variety of administrative duties based on the needs of the director. Examples of administrative tasks include returning parent phone calls, running errands, copying/filing, fulfilling instructor supply requests and being on-call and willing to help out wherever help is needed. The AD position is an optimal starting point for any individual eventually interested in filling the Camp Director position. A brief description of each of our programs can be found here. All camp sessions/dates are listed here.
Camp Brainy Bunch Counselor (All Camps)
Camp Brainy Bunch Counselor
Camp Brainy Bunch Director (Camp Brainy Bunch)
Camp Brainy Bunch Director
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor (Camp Brainy Bunch)
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor - With Extended Care (All Camps)
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor - Without Extended Care
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor - Without Extended Care (All Camps)
Camp Brainy Bunch Instructor - Without Extended Care
Camp Director (All Camps)
The Camp Director is responsible for managing all of the day-to-day operations of his or her camp session; using a schoolhouse analogy the Director becomes principal of EU Academy. The Director interviews and hires camp staff, manages and supports camp staff, ensures that EU curriculum is properly implemented, enforces EU policy, implements emergency procedures, manages the camp budget, handles students with academic, social or discipline problems, communicates with parents, maintains campus relations, plans recreational activities and off campus excursions and generally provides motivation and care for all students and staff at camp. While camp is in session, the Director lives on campus and is on duty and/or on call 24 hours per day from the time the first camper arrives until the last camper leaves. All Camp Directors attend a pre-camp weekend training session with our home office staff in the winter or spring before camp. An overview of each of our programs can be found here. All camp sessions/dates are listed here.
College Counselor (College Admission Programs)
The primary responsibility of the College Counselor is to meet individually with students to discuss each student's objectives and options for undergraduate college admissions. The Counselor will help each student craft a list of "best-fit" schools by the end of the program. The Counselor's goal is to help each student identify colleges which are most likely to grant admission to that student and fulfill his or her unique needs. Furthermore, the Counselor will advise students on time management, interview strategies, and will help provide the student with resources for independent college research. Counselors are also responsible for delivering 4 - 7 (depending on the session) group lectures on a variety of college admissions topics. In addition to teaching and counseling responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. College Counselors are usually year-round high-school college counselors, independent educational consultants or have some other significant experience providing college guidance counseling to high school students. A more detailed description of College Admission Prep Camp can be found here.
College Counselor (College Admission Prep Camp (TM))
College Counselor and Personal Statement Instructor (College Admission Prep Camp Day Camp)
College Level Writing Instructor (A+ Summer Pre-College)
The College Level Writing Instructor will guide groups of motivated high school students through the process of brainstorming, writing and revising a college-level research paper. The Instructor will deliver lectures, give one-on-one feedback and help each student complete short writing assignments and several drafts of an original research paper on a topic of the student's own interest. The College Level Writing Instructor should have experience teaching writing (or a related subject) and should be enthused to help students develop skills that will be essential for their success in college. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ Pre-College program can be found here.
Computer Instructor (Computer Camp)
The Computer Instructor is responsible for helping students develop their skills in one or more of the following areas depending on session: website design, programming, word processing and use of technology for business presentations. (powerpoint, excel etc.) The class will take place in an EU computer lab. Each student will have access to his or her own computer. The instructor is responsible (in consultation with the Curriculum Director and Camp Director) for designing the assignments and curriculum and tailoring the assignments to the varying experience levels of the attending students. The instructor will provide one on one feedback for the students as well as full-class lectures/lessons. On the final day of camp, the instructor will execute a finale presentation showcasing the students' work. The instructor is also responsible for helping to keep the computer lab equipment safe/secure at all times and for helping with the set-up and break down of the computer lab before and after camp. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. The Computer Instructor must have an expertise in computer technology, experience working with kids/teens and a desire to share his or her enthusiasm for computer technology with young people. A more detailed description of Education Unlimited's Computer Camp can be found here.
countersign test (A+ Summer Pre-College)
countersign testing ()
Creative Writing Instructor (Emerging Writers Institute - 10th - 12th Grade)
The primary responsibility of the Writing Instructor will be to guide students through the Education Unlimited curriculum in a classroom setting. Instructors will teach one morning class and a series of specialized afternoon electives: The focal units include Short Story, Play-writing, Poetry, or Narrative Nonfiction. (Please be sure to specify your preferred area of instruction). In each of these units, the mission is to help students to produce and perfect one quality sample for submission to teen publications and literary magazines and to immerse students in the genre through critical reading and writing exercises. The instructor will also teach shorter elective units based on his/her writing specialty and interest. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. They will participate in a rotation of nightly "dorm duty", assist with field trips and excursions to literary locations in San Francisco Bay Area and accompany students to classes and meals. With the support of the entire staff, instructors are responsible for the health and safety of students, in addition to fulfilling instructional objectives. Instructors must have experience teaching writing and an advanced degree in English or a related subject. A more detailed description of the Emerging Writers Institute program can be found here.
Critical Reading Instructor (A+ Summer High School)
The Critical Reading Instructor will guide students through EU.s curriculum in a college-level seminar format. By helping motivated high school students read and analyze several texts, the instructor will help the students move beyond literal, surface level understanding and instead read for meaning. Possible themes of the texts include: Truth & Falsehood, Race & Colonialism and War & Peace. The Instructor must be an experienced and inspiring teacher. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ High School program can be found here.
Director (All Camps)
Emerging Writers Instructor 7-9 (Emerging Writers Institute - 7th - 9th Grade)
Instructor Emerging Writer's Institute 7-9
Enrichment Instructor ()
Enrichment Course Instructors (for Summer Focus only) are responsible (with the support of the Camp Director) for designing and teaching their own curriculum for a Focus Enrichment Course. The course topics we may provide include: College Level Writing, Public Speaking, Bay Area History, Creative Writing & Illustration, Literary Tour of the Bay Area, History of 20th Century American Social Protest or Film Studies. Focus Enrichment Courses are scheduled around the students. UC Berkeley courses and cannot be precisely scheduled until all students have applied and been accepted into their UC Berkeley course. Generally, each Enrichment Course meets 4-5 days per week for 1.5-2 hours per class session. Enrichment Instructor candidates should discuss scheduling specifics with the Camp Director. Enrichment Course Instructors are usually professional educators, or individuals with other distinguished teaching experiences. A detailed description of the Summer Focus program and the goals of the Focus Enrichment Courses can be found here.
Essay Writing Instructor (Prep Camp Excel (TM))
The Essay Writing Instructor is responsible for guiding students through Education Unlimited's Argumentative Essay Writing curriculum. The instructor's goal will be to teach students the process of developing a strong argumentative essay and to help each student complete an argumentative essay (on a topic chosen by the student) while at camp. The instructor will lead exercises in a classroom setting, will give one-on-one feedback to all students and will give group lectures on the writing process. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Applicants should have experience teaching and/or tutoring writing and should be excited to share their enthusiasm for writing with young people. A more detailed description of Prep Camp Excel can be found here.
Lead American Legal Experience Instructor (Mock Trial - High School)
The Lead American Legal Experience Instructor is a current practicing lawyer or a former lawyer who is excited to share their interest in the judicial system with young people. The Lead Instructor will give lectures and work with the public speaking classes to help the students learn about the structure of federal and state court systems, civil and criminal law, and the proper methods for the formation and presentation of convincing legal arguments. The Lead Instructor will also critique students' simulated client interviews and mock trials. A more detailed description of the American Legal Experience can be found here.
Leadership and the Law Instructor (Leadership and the Law)
Leadership and the law instructor.
Leadership Instructor (A+ Summer Leadership)
A+ Summer Leadership Instructor
Logic Instructor (A+ Summer High School)
The Logic Instructor will guide motivated high school students through the EU Logic curriculum in a classroom setting. The Logic Instructor will deliver lectures and help students work through formal logic problems, brainteasers, math puzzles, board games, scavenger hunts and other creative logic activities. The ideal Logic Instructor has experience teaching logic, philosophy, math, LSAT preparation or a related subject and is excited to share his or her enthusiasm for logic with young people. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ High School program can be found here.
Neuroanatomy Instructor (Coed Neuroanatomy Camp - 9th - 10th grade)
Neuroanatomy instructor
Personal Statement Writing Instructor (College Admission Prep Camp Intensive)
Personal Statement Instructor (CAPC), Essay Writing Instructor (Excel) and Public Speaking Instructor (PSI) (All Camps)
Personal Statement Instructor (CAPC), Essay Writing Instructor (Excel) and Public Speaking Instructor (PSI)
Personal Statement Writing Instructor (College Admission Programs)
The Personal Statement Writing Instructor is responsible for guiding students through Education Unlimited's Personal Statement Writing curriculum and helping students produce one or more (depending on the session) personal statement essay(s) that are ready or nearly ready for submission with their college applications. The goal of the curriculum is to help each student through the process of brainstorming, writing and revising a strong essay that is entirely the student's own work. The instructor will deliver group lectures on writing for college admissions and will give students one-on-one feedback on their essays. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Personal Statement Writing Instructors should have experience teaching writing and should be enthusiastic about guiding students through the writing process and the process of personal discovery. A more detailed description of College Admission Prep Camp can be found here.
Presentations Instructor (A+ Summer Pre-College)
The Presentations Instructor will teach groups of motivated high school students how to explain and defend college-level work. Through lectures, class-work and one-on-one feedback the instructor will provide students with techniques to stay on topic, speak in a coherent style, use visual aids, and convincingly defend their ideas. In addition, the Instructor will help students prepare a final presentation of their research report to be delivered at the end of the program. The Instructor must be excited to help students become comfortable discussing their ideas in public and must use lots of interactive short assignments to keep the class fun and engaging. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ Pre-College program can be found here.
PSAT Math and Verbal Instructor (Prep Camp Excel (TM))
PSAT Math and Verbal Instructor
PSAT Math Instructor (Prep Camp Excel (TM))
The primary responsibility of the PSAT Math Instructor is to guide students through Education Unlimited's PSAT Math curriculum in a classroom setting and to motivate and encourage students to improve their test-taking abilities. The Instructor should be familiar with the substance of the math portion of the PSAT and should be enthused to help students succeed on the exam. The instructor will deliver lectures, lead class exercises, provide one-on-one tutoring and proctor practice exams. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Ideally, the Instructor will have had experience teaching or tutoring for the PSAT Math section (or similar content). A more detailed description of Prep Camp Excel can be found here.
PSAT Verbal Instructor (Prep Camp Excel (TM))
The primary responsibility of the PSAT Verbal Instructor is to guide students through Education Unlimited's PSAT Verbal and Writing curriculum in a classroom setting and to motivate and encourage students to improve their test-taking abilities. The Instructor should be familiar with the substance of the verbal and writing portions of the PSAT and should be enthused to help students succeed on the exam. The instructor will deliver lectures, lead class exercises, provide one-on-one tutoring and proctor practice exams. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Ideally, the Instructor will have had experience teaching or tutoring for the PSAT Verbal section (or similar content). A more detailed description of Prep Camp Excel can be found here.
Public Speaking - Drama Instructor (Public Speaking Institute - Drama Focus Week )
Drama instructor for Public Speaking - Drama Focus week.
Public Speaking Instructor (Public Speaking Institute)
The Public Speaking Instructor will guide students through the EU Public Speaking curriculum to help them become more clear, confident and effective speakers and to help them enjoy public speaking activities. Instructors will teach either the Delivery unit, the Debate unit, or both (depending on camp session and instructor expertise). Instructors will also teach an elective in the afternoons or evenings. Examples of electives include Model Congress, Model UN, Impromptu Speaking, Readers Theater, Negotiations, Policy Debate and Oratory. Most Public Speaking Instructors have a background in speech, debate or drama and have experience teaching public speaking to young people. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. A more detailed description of Public Speaking Institute and the Delivery and Debate units can be found here.
Reading/Writing Instructor (A+ Summer Middle School)
The Reading & Writing Instructor will guide students through Education Unlimited's curriculum in a classroom setting. Instructors will teach rotating blocks of one or both (depending on enrollment and instructor expertise) of the following classes: Mysteries and Writing the Future. The Mysteries unit will introduce students to deductive logic, close reading skills, and creative writing through the study of detective fiction. The Writing the Future unit will develop students reading, writing and creative thinking skills through the study of science fiction and other literary depictions of the future. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. She or he will participate in a rotation of nightly "dorm duty", assist with field trips and excursions, and accompany students to classes and meals. Instructors are responsible for helping to create a positive and fun camp community. A more detailed description of the A+ Middle School program can be found here.
Research and Reading Instructor (A+ Summer Pre-College)
The Research and Reading Instructor will guide groups of motivated high school students through the process of conducting primary research on a social science topic chosen by the students. The Instructor will deliver lectures, lead class and give one-on-one feedback helping students focus their research questions, design their surveys, collect and analyze results and support their findings with evidence. The Instructor will also lead reading assignments to help students learn to analyze the arguments and research of others and will teach students how to read and understand "theory" and how to incorporate theory into their own writing. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ Pre-College program can be found here.
Resident Advisor/Academic Tutor (Summer Focus)
The Resident Advisor/Academic Tutor (for the Summer Focus program only) is responsible for creating a safe, supportive, educational and fun pre-college environment for motivated high school students who are getting their first taste of college life. RAs live on campus alongside the students and maintain flexible academic tutoring hours to help students succeed in their UC Berkeley courses. RAs also provide supervision for students in a residential setting and make themselves available to students wanting guidance about navigating college life. RAs are also responsible for planning and executing recreational activities. Group trips to the movies, coffee shops, sporting events, music performances, dinner and shopping are common. RAs are also expected to help provide supervision on planned off-campus excursions. Most RAs have previous experience as Residential Advisors and academic tutors. Most RAs are also responsible for teaching a Focus Enrichment course (see below). RA applicants should discuss Enrichment course options with the Camp Director. A detailed description of the Summer Focus program can be found [here](
Sally Ride Science Camp Counselor (Sally Ride Science Camp)
The Counselor is responsible for providing camper supervision, supporting the instructors and director and for generally helping to make the camp fun and successful for participants. The Counselor is responsible for planning (with the other counselors) and leading informal science workshops and recreational activities every afternoon. The Counselor will also help execute a "Minor" unit on Chemistry, Forensic Science, or the Magic of Science. Other duties will include providing nighttime supervision in the dorms, providing supervision at meal times, assisting in classes and labs, walking girls to/from activities, assisting at check-in on the first day of camp, supervising students during an off-campus excursion to a local science venue and assisting the camp director with administrative tasks. Counselors are usually recent college graduates or are studying science at the undergraduate level, want to share their enthusiasm for science with young people, and have experience working with kids and/or teens. A detailed description of the Sally Ride Science Camp for girls can be found here.
Sally Ride Science Camp Instructor (Sally Ride Science Camp)
The Science Instructor is responsible for leading an Engineering, Astronomy, Marine Biology, Advanced Marine Science & Ecology, or Robotics lab class that will encourage girls' interests in science, engineering and technology. Responsibilities include teaching the Sally Ride Science Camp curriculum, supervising campers both in and out of the classroom, assisting the camp director with a small number of administrative tasks and executing a finale showcasing the girls' work at the end of camp. Most teaching will be done in morning and early afternoon lab sessions. Instructors often use the afternoons and evenings to prepare for the next day's lab. At all overnight programs instructors have the option of commuting to camp each day or staying overnight on campus. Overnight staff members will be expected to help with a couple of evening supervision duties and help with the supervision for the off-campus excursion. Instructors are usually year-round science/math teachers, are studying science at the graduate level or have some other significant teaching/mentoring experience in the area of science, math, engineering or technology. A detailed description of the Sally Ride Science Camp for girls can be found here.
SAT Math and Verbal Instructor (College Admission Prep Camp (TM))
SAT Math and Verbal Instructor (College Admission Prep Camp Intensive)
SAT Math and Verbal Instructor
SAT Math Instructor (College Admission Programs)
The primary responsibility of the SAT Math Instructor is to guide students through Education Unlimited's SAT Math curriculum in a classroom setting and to motivate and encourage students to improve their test-taking abilities. The Instructor should be familiar with the substance of the math portion of the SAT and should be enthused to help students succeed on the exam. The instructor will deliver lectures, lead class exercises, provide one-on-one tutoring and proctor practice exams. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Ideally, the Instructor will have had experience teaching or tutoring for the SAT Math section (or similar content). A more detailed description of College Admission Prep Camp can be found here.
SAT Verbal Instructor (College Admission Programs)
The primary responsibility of the SAT Verbal Instructor is to guide students through Education Unlimited's SAT Verbal and Writing curriculum in a classroom setting and to motivate and encourage students to improve their test-taking abilities. The Instructor should be familiar with the substance of the verbal and writing portions of the SAT and should be enthused to help students succeed on the exam. The instructor will deliver lectures, lead class exercises, provide one-on-one tutoring and proctor practice exams. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. Ideally, the Instructor will have had experience teaching or tutoring for the SAT Verbal section (or similar content). A more detailed description of College Admission Prep Camp can be found here.
Science Camp Counselor (Sally Ride Science Camps for Girls (Day Program))
Science Camp Instructor (Sally Ride Science Camps for Girls (Day Program))
Science Instructor (Science Camps for Girls )
Science Instructor
Science Instructor (Sally Ride Science Camps for Girls (Day Program))
Science Instructor
Science/Engineering Instructor (A+ Summer Middle School)
The Science/Engineering Instructor will guide students through Education Unlimited's curriculum in a classroom setting. Instructors will teach rotating blocks of one or both (depending on enrollment and instructor expertise) of the following classes: Engineering Inventions and The Science of Mysteries: Forensic Science. The goal of the Inventions unit is to introduce students to the process of inventing through problem identification, research, project planning, basic engineering and creative building. The Science of Mysteries unit will develop students' observational skills through a series of hands-on forensic science activities culminating with a mystery project that requires students use all of the skills learned throughout the week. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. She or he will participate in a rotation of nightly "dorm duty", assist with field trips and excursions, and accompany students to classes and meals. Instructors are responsible for helping to create a positive and fun camp community. A more detailed description of the A+ Middle School program can be found here.
Shakespeare and Performance Instructor (Ashland Shakespeare Seminar)
The Ashland Shakespeare Seminar in Ashland, Oregon is seeking a theater director with extensive expertise directing and teaching Shakespeare. An MFA, PhD, or equivalent professional directing experience is required. Along with teaching skills such as scansion, breathing, and textual analysis, the successful candidate will have a thorough education in Elizabethan performance conventions as well as contemporary acting, directing, and design practice. Students at this 6-day overnight program will see Oregon Shakespeare Festival productions, discuss directing choices in a seminar, and work on scenes from A Midsummer Night's Dream. In addition to directing scenes and leading an acting class designed to help students gain first-hand experience performing Shakespeare, instructors are required to live in the dorms with the students and to share supervision duties at night. To read more about the Ashland Shakespeare Seminar click [here](
Social Studies/Global Problem Solving Instructor (A+ Summer Middle School)
The Social Studies/Global Problem Solving Instructor will guide through Education Unlimited's Future Innovations curriculum in a classroom setting. The Future Innovations unit will largely focus on global environmental problems and technological solutions that may help mitigate those problems. Possible projects include designing a "Home of the Future" using green, energy efficient design. The Future Innovations curriculum is part of a larger unit/program theme called Inventions. The goal of the unit is to introduce students to the process of inventing through problem identification, research, project planning, basic engineering and creative building. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. She or he will participate in a rotation of nightly "dorm duty", assist with field trips and excursions, and accompany students to classes and meals. Instructors are responsible for helping to create a positive and fun camp community. A more detailed description of the A+ Middle School program can be found here.
Stanford Verification (Required Tax Forms)
Additional verification required for Stanford camps.
Study Skills Instructor (Prep Camp Excel (TM))
The responsibilities of the Study Skills Instructor will be to teach the EU study skills curriculum in a classroom environment and to get the students engaged with the curriculum. Topics include high school course planning, note taking, time management, goal-setting and presentation skills. The instructor must believe in the importance of study skills for success in high school and must be enthused about sharing this belief with young people. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors are expected to assist the camp director with active supervision and recreation assistance. A more detailed description of Prep Camp Excel can be found here.
Summer Focus Co-Director & Enrichment Instructor (Summer Focus Pre-College UC Berkeley)
Summer Focus Co-Director and Enrichment Instructor
Tour Leader (All Camps)
Video Production Instructor (Video Production Camp)
Video Production Instructor
Video Project Instructor (A+ Summer High School)
The Video Project Instructor will guide groups of motivated high school students through the process of developing, directing and producing a video project that deals with the themes the students are addressing in their Critical Reading class at camp. The Video Project Instructor should have experience with storyboarding, visual storytelling, editing, and video technology and should be excited to share their enthusiasm for video with young people. The Video Project course is meant to be a fun way for students to interpret their readings in a contemporary way rather than a highly technical course on video production. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ High School program can be found here.
w-2 test staff ()
testing employee
Writing Instructor (A+ Summer High School)
The Writing Instructor will teach rotating classes of motivated high school students the process of brainstorming, writing and revising an excellent argumentative essay. The Writing Instructor will deliver lectures on the writing process and will help each student complete an essay on a topic chosen by the student. The ideal Instructor will have significant experience teaching writing and will be enthused to help students improve their writing skills. In addition to teaching responsibilities, instructors will assist the camp director with active supervision, recreation assistance and a few administrative tasks. A more detailed description of the A+ High School program can be found here.