Camp Brainy Bunch Elite College Tours Home Login

(p) (510) 548-6612

Step 1 of 4 to Enroll/Apply Now: Parent Login/Registration

The form on this page is the first step to enroll/apply for camp now. You can apply for camp now either by logging into an existing account or by creating a new account below. You will be required to enter information for a valid credit card at the end of this process.

If you are not yet ready to apply, but would like to receive a brochure, please click "Request Brochure" in the navigation bar above.

Please be sure to create only one account per family. Accounts cannot be linked. Creating multiple accounts will lead to confusion and could cause delays. Thank you!

Forgot password? Click Here.

- or -

Parent Registration

Please enter parental contact information. Student contact information is entered during step 2.

* The email is your username.

Preferred method of communication

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